20 Toys That Are Worth Fortune. The first of several toys based on an 80s cartoon to appear on this list 130 episodes of. 20 Worth A Fortune Today -.

The most valuable doll is a James Dudley from 1985 which was listed for 3000 on eBay in 2017 and a doll from 1985 sold for 2000 earlier this year. 20 Toys From Your Childhood Worth A Fortune. 20 Black Lotus Magic the Gathering Card Worth 2700000.
32 Of Your Childhood Toys That Are Worth An Absolute Fortune Now 1.
Weve compiled a list of ten of the most valuable toys in 2018 and a handful of toys that we think will one day become treasures. They were like the young version of Legos. Though McDonalds Happy Meal toys might come free with your lunch they can end up being pretty valuable. They made and discontinued so many toys that there are a bunch out there that are rare as hell and worth a pretty penny as a result.