90s Music Player Toy With Cartridges. Do you read this post on the trainbustram to wokhome. Im not sure if it was from the late 90s or early 2000s.

What was that 90s toy music player called. Tiger Electronics launched in 1978 and first introduced handheld games in the 1980sunlike Game Boy there were no cartridges and each unit was stocked with just one title. They were the hit of the playground.
While Tickle Me Elmos can still be found in stores along with other Tickle Me Muppets theres never been anything like the original 90s craze even Rosie ODonnell got in on the fun.
Tiger Electronics launched in 1978 and first introduced handheld games in the 1980sunlike Game Boy there were no cartridges and each unit was stocked with just one title. I remember Bye Bye Bye The Way You Loved Me Oops Did It Again being some of the chips. Computing power and display technology were evolving and cost effective enough to penetrate the toy market in a big way. I think it was a white-ish colormaybe 5x3 inchesjust how I remember it.