Are Toy Poodles As Smart As Standard. How smart are poodle dogs is often associated with their temperament which is portrayed to be alert brilliant undisputedly loyal easy to train and highly instinctual. Although different in size the Standard Poodle and Miniature Poodle have a lot in common.

There are many qualities that make the Poodle a great service dog. I had a Toy Poodle for several years and she could be a little stinker. Just like Standard Poodles Toy Poodles are incredibly smart.
But whatever the build a good Toy Poodle is one of the smartest and most trainable of all breeds.
While living with an intelligent dog can be an extremely helpful trait when it comes to training Poodle parents should still take heed. However there is no perfect breed. Your Poodles astute cleverness can easily lead to poor behaviors or stubborn tendencies. But as for are toys and minis as smart as standards no they are a bit more stubborn but they do aim to please.