Are Wooden Toys Safe For Babies. Lets face it- babies put anything and everything in their mouths. BPA is an abbreviation for bisphenol A a chemical that has gained much attention since 2010 when the Food And Drug Administration reported that it could be hazardous to both fetuses and children.

When picking or making wooden toys the use of oils will seal the wood protecting the wood from damage and coating it to prevent sharp ends or splinters. Lets face it- babies put anything and everything in their mouths. However not all oils are safe for use on toys they gum on with their mouths.
Wooden toys that are either.
Wooden toys are Educational. Again this depends largely on the quality of the toys. You may have heard of BPA and PVC two chemicals both commonly found in plastics. Best For Wooden infant toys One of the oldest wooden toy manufacturers many of us grew up with their wooden Skwish rattle which we still buy decades later for our children.