Calling All Heroes Happy Meal Toys. To bring this vision to life we have created a series of developmental games and activities that help kids develop a wide range of skills while they experiment and solve challenges. McDonalds The new set of toys are compatible with the Avengers collection that debuted last year.

New photos from McDonalds upcoming Happy Meal toys has just leaked online and it features none other than the Earths Mightiest Heroes. In October McDonalds Happy Meal will feature NEW MCU Marvel Studios Heroes ToysGalinski Gamez Video. McDonalds Happy Meal Toys Marvel Heroes.
Silver Surfer comes with detachable surfboard Human Torch light up LED.
Sometimes you get pretty great Happy Meal toys. Superhero figures have been a mainstay of Happy Meal toy lines used to market new television shows or upcoming movies to children in the hope of getting them to beg their parents for more expensive toys or for movie tickets. Happy Meals date back to 1979. McDonalds The new set of toys are compatible with the Avengers collection that debuted last year.