Disney Infinity 20 Toy Box Instructions. Disney Infinity Toy Box with Randall Ralph Perry Vanellope Phineas and more - Duration. Every week one of the Avalanche.

In order to find this Toy Box World you must find a green capsule in Toy Box Launch. In the Toy Box menu select New Terrain Toy Box this gets the game to generate a starting world for you rather than doing this by hand. The starter kits come with special Power Discs.
It will be located on a ledge between the castle and the race track.
Assault on Asgard Escape from the Kyln Brave Forest Siege Stitchs Tropical Rescue. Learning how to place items in the Toy Box is an important lesson to learn right at the start. From the toy box navigate to an Infinity hub or to the travel. The key here is exploration and keeping an eye open for little toy containers colored red that contain various items that unlock for Toy Box.