How Long Can Flu Germs Live On Toys. After nine hours viable viruses were no longer found on most non-porous metal and plastic surfaces such as aluminum and computer keyboards. The flu virus can live on hard objects such as telephones computer keyboards doorknobs kitchen countertops or toys for up to 48 hours Mayo Clinic officials say.

Thats because porous materials are better at absorbing and trapping pathogens making it. The flu virus can live on hard objects such as telephones computer keyboards doorknobs kitchen countertops or toys for up to 48 hours Mayo Clinic officials say. Flu germs live 8 to 12 hours on fabric The influenza virus tends to live for a shorter time on fabric than hard surfaces Reynolds says.
We know the novel coronavirus can live hours to days on a variety of surfaces.
Early research has demonstrated that the viruss survival depends on the type of surface it lands on. The influenza virus can only live for about 8 to 12 hours on fabric. So conventional wisdom has long held that these bacteria wont linger on. The influenza virus can only live for about 8 to 12 hours on fabric.