Howard Griffin Land Of Toys Commercial. Howard Griffin Land O Toys Loads of fun for girls and boys Bring the kids and look around The biggest toy deal in the town If youre of a certain age and from the area those words come with a. From 1955 to 1985 Griffin and his wife Birdie M.

I miss the Howard Griffin Land of ToysI loved going there when i was a young kidHows the song goesHoward Griffin Land of toysLots of fun for girls and boysBring ya kids and look aroundThe biggest toy store in the townWellsomething like thatBeen so. Howard Griffin Land O Toys Monroe LA. And a whole two years before The Gipper left the White House Howard Griffin Land O Toys passed into memory.
Bring the kids and look around.
Loads of fun for girls and boys. Everyone who shopped there seems to know the jingle. Just burned down this year 2011. This story originally was published Dec.