James Bond Aston Martin Db5 Toy. Just one problem though. The DeLorean Herbie the Italian Job Minis can all fight for second after James Bonds gadget-laden Aston Martin DB5.

Friction motor good working. The James Bond Aston Martin DB5 96655 was available in silver just the same as its 1968 counterpart complete with tyre slashers and revolving number plates. Just one problem though.
We are first introduced to the Aston Martin DB5 in the basement of Q Branch where Major Boothroyd gives Bond.
The detail is good but not quite as crisp as the 1968 version the door line mouldings for instance stop short of. Our Custom building blocks are of premium quality. Den här imponerande kopian fångar den tidlösa elegansen hos Agent 007s ikoniska sportbil från 1964 och har mängder av autentiska detaljer och fungerande prylar. Friction motor good working.