Mighty Men And Monster Maker Toy. It was 1979 when TOMY decided to make the butch version of the ultra-glamorous toy Fashion Plates which TOMY put out a year before. TOMY 1979 Mighty Men Monster Maker Template Kit Art Toy - With Box - 2520.

MIGHTY MEN AND MONSTER MAKER. In the box you got all of these little bits of plastic on each of which was stamped a head torso or legs. Note the creepy painted faces on the Tron figures making them all look like Michael Myers.
A complete kit has 6 body plates 6 leg plates and 6 head plates.
While Fashion Plates allowed you to create a stunning next-level fashions Mighty Men Monster Maker. John Deere Monster Treads Mini Mudder 3pk Toy Set - LP75981. MIGHTY MEN AND MONSTER MAKER. Includes 5 each Head Chest Leg Plates Each Plate is Double Sided Customers also viewed these products.