Moving Toys Using Cam And Follower. A cam is a mechanical member which impart desired motion to the follower by direct contact. See video andor the dimensioned drawing for a starter design.

A CAM has two parts the FOLLOWER and the CAM PROFILE. To understand that a cam will change rotary motion into linear motion. This must be stopped to prevent much damage when there is a crashing of the.
In mechanical engineering engineers often use a higher pair links mechanism that is renowned as Cam and Follower Mechanism.
A CAM has two parts the FOLLOWER and the CAM PROFILE. The transformation of one of the simple motions such as rotation into any other motions is often conveniently accomplished by means of a cam mechanism A cam mechanism usually consists of two moving elements the cam and the follower mounted on a fixed frame. Although cam and follower mechanisms are also used by. Use ΒΌ wood dowels for the drive shaft and the cam followers.