Power Rangers Toys Micro Morphers Zords. Los niños pueden imaginar una variedad de Rangers y villanos saltando a un Zord y piloteándolo Tamaño de la figura. Power Rangers Micro Morphers bring the larger-than-life action of Power Rangers to a mini scale.

Each Power Rangers Micro Morphers Zords pack contains 2 figures. They have few or no hinges and are put together through interlocking pegs and holes. Each package contains 2 figures.
There are 4 Zord figures and 12 Power Rangers figures available to collect in the series.
CUSTOMIZE THE ZORD Power Rangers Micro Morphers Zords figures come with sticker. Each package contains 2 figures. There are 4 Zord figures and 12 Power Rangers figures available to collect in the series. Se venden por separado.