Toy Giveaway 2018 In Los Angeles. You must live in the San Fernando Valley or Los Angeles California and have a child aged 18 years old or younger to qualify. Los Angeles Trial Lawyers Charities A California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation 2708 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 391 Santa Monica CA 90403 844-44-LATLC 844-445-2852 A 501c3 Organization Federal TAX ID 20-5658982 email protected.

Shawns Pumpkin Patch And Christmas. All goods are provided to low-income children infants and teenagers. The Parlor Los Angeles CA.
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Thursday May 6 2021 100pm - 300pm Thursday June 3 2021 To be determined Antelope Valley Wellness Community 335-B. The programs administered also accept and rely on Christmas gift donations. Runway Playa Vista Los Angeles CA. Share Silicon Beach Parents Group Playa Vista Sunday Scoot May 16 2021 with your friends.