Toy Story 2 Quotes Mrs Potato Head. And Im packing your angry eyes just in case. Potato Head and shows it off in all its glory with this awesome quote which is done in a way that harkens back to the days of old and showcases the great late Don Rickles comedic genius.

Easily move forward or backward to get to the perfect spot. Toy Story 1995 Video gifs by quotes f574f9d3 紗. Who you calln Sweet Potato I have over 30 accessories and I demand respect.
Oh its so nice to have a big strong spud around the house.
But I dont wanna use my head Rex before the toys pick up the dinosaur and ram him into the vent. Potato Head tells the aliens You saved our lives followed by Mr. Potato Head Im packing you an extra pair of shoes and your angry eyes just in case. We hope you enjoyed reading our collection of Mr.