Toy Story Buzz Lightyear Zurg Laser Game. It features the main protagonist Buzz Lightyear in a mission to take down the evil Emperor Zurg. Attack on Zurg is a video game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System shown at the very beginning of Toy Story 2.

All Games- Toy Story 2. Space Ranger Training 2. A video game strategy guide for Buzz Lightyear.
Attack on Zurg strategy guide cover.
Within the Toy Story universe Buzz Lightyear is archenemies with Zurg as he is the sworn enemy of the Galactic Alliance. Annons Brett sortiment och bra priser sedan 1959. Bekanta dig med vårt utbud online. Attack on Zurg video game at the beginning of Toy Story 2 after Buzz Lightyear lands on Zurgs planet.