Toys For Tots Final Drop Off Date. 8AM-5PM Monday - Friday. 5 but it will not turn away any donation after that date.

Simply come up to the station and drop off an unwrapped toy into one of the. Every year there is a shortage of ages 1-5 and 14-17 years of old. Your toy donations are extremely needed to have a successful year for Toys for Tots.
Members of the community can drop-off new unwrapped toys in collection boxes positioned in local businesses.
By choosing Toys for Tots as the selected charity through this platform a small portion of each purchase will be donated to Toys for Tots at no additional cost. Heres a list of all of the drop-off locations for Toys for Tots organized by county. The final day of Toys for Tots is Monday and donations at 22News are being collected until 7 pm. You can donate a toy at one of the area toy drop locations host a Toys for Tots event at your home office or other venue and collect toys for Toys for Tots or volunteer at the local warehouse.