Toys R Us Closing For Good. Toys R Us filed. It is the end of an era as Toys R Us stores nationwide are finally closing their doors.

As a result of COVID-19 we made the strategic decision to pivot our store strategy to new locations and platforms that have better traffic a Tru Kids spokesperson told CNN Business confirming the two stores in New Jersey and Texas are closing for good. March 14 2018. By then the shelves were mostly bare except for.
It has been reported previously that the company was filing for bankruptcy.
When Toys R Us changed its focus from the toys themselves to undercutting the competition You didnt get the elation anymore says Gottlieb. Toys R Us filed. When Toys R Us changed its focus from the toys themselves to undercutting the competition You didnt get the elation anymore says Gottlieb. The toy and game retailer Toys R Us is closing all of its stores as well as Babies R Us by Friday.