Using Bleach To Clean Baby Toys. Leave the toys until they are completely air-dried. While daycares and childrens centers have their specific guidelines for toy cleanliness you can use practical solutions to clean baby toys safely and effectively at home.

Clean non-absorbent toys with soapy water rinse with clear water and wipe dry with disposable paper towels. To sanitise your babys toys you will need a sanitising solution such as diluted bleach in water or DOMESTOS Thick Bleach. How to clean kids toys clorox cleaning and disinfecting baby toys how to clean baby kids toys sanitizing toyaterials in preschool.
Disinfect with a chlorine bleach solution of one tablespoon of bleach to one gallon of water.
You need to clean toys before you disinfect them. General dirt and grim soap and water or throwing in the dishwasher Stains Vinegar or bleach General sanitizing a spritz of vodka or boiling when appropriate Serious sanitizing soaking or spraying down with bleach throwing in. You can use the bleach solution mentioned above to disinfect baby toys. Mix 13 cup of Clorox Disinfecting Bleach with CLOROMAX with 1 gallon of water.