What Are Old Tonka Toys Worth. 1959 Tonka Farms Stake Truck. Get the best deals on Tonka Vintage Antique Tin Toys.

Truth is there are MANY valuable old toys out there 80s and 90s toys that are worth a shit ton for a myriad of reasons. Antique Tonka trucks range in value from about 125 to more than 1000 according to Real Pricing Guides. Introduced in 1963 the Easy-Bake Oven was a toy but you could actually bake something in it without.
1959 Tonka Service Van.
1974-75 Red worange dozer. 1969-70 27 12 inches. Youngsters toddling around. 1959 B-207 Hi-Way Construction 1959 Tonka Thunderbird Express Semi 1960 Standard Oil Tanker Semi.