What Does Furby Toy Do. The toy does NOT travel well. Step 1 Open up the battery door underneath Furby.

Like Furby you need to care for Yoda you can interact with Yoda and if Yoda gets sleepy he will take a nap. Furby toys have also been occasionally known to fall deeply asleep and you may have trouble waking up your toy. We got the Baby personality back by petting it for 10 minutes.
Like Furby you need to care for Yoda you can interact with Yoda and if Yoda gets sleepy he will take a nap.
It can make different facial expressions speak hundreds of words in its own language Furbish and shriek incessantly. The toy does NOT travel well. You will need a Phillips head screwdriver to do this correctlyStep 2 Insert four AA batteries into Furbys battery compartment. Step 1 Open up the battery door underneath Furby.