Why Do Dogs Shake Their Heads With Toys. Your dog may require attention that he is not getting resulting in excessive energy and boredom. But a dogs best-loved activity of all-time.

Even though his roots lie in hunting for survival your dog probably likes to shake his toys because its fun. This can happen while you are playing with your dog or this can happen when your dog is by himself. The reasons why dogs shake their toys We must remember that our pet has wild ancestors even if it is a small percentage because undomesticated blood flows through its veins.
Dogs do shake their toys.
Margaret Gruen a clinician at the NC State University Animal Behavior Service. If your pooch is chasing tugging or shaking his toys while playing this means one of their basic instincts is coming to the surface. An adult dog may use a toy to teach puppies this skill. The faster the kill the quicker the meal.