Wolfenstein New Order Toy Locations. The toy is on the console in the other control room opposite where the commander is located. Pull them in the right order left right middle to reveal a secret room behind the wall.

The New Order will be posted here when more information is known. After you collect all of the toys take them back to Maxs room and put them on the shelf. There are letters that give you little stories shiny pieces of gold you can scrounge up and not least.
This item is located just after you break either Fergus or Wyatt out of prison.
You can also get the silencer for you pistol in the same room. In Chapter 7 after obtaining a sample of the Super Concrete for Anya Max will return to his room and go to sleep. The New Order Maxs Lost Toys Locations Guide. When you get to a maze of hallways check all of the rooms that have bunk beds in them.