Wreck It Ralph 2 Toys Mcdonalds. The toys were only exclusive in the USA so if you live outside of the USA your McDonalds didnt have those toys. Vanellope Sugar Rush Racer x 2.

2018 McDonalds Ralph Breaks The Internet. Today were looking at this COMPLETE SET OF 12 Wreck-it Ralph 2 Ralph Breaks the Internet McDonalds Happy Meal Toys for 2018. McDonalds 2018 Wreck IT Ralph 2 - Complete Set of 12.
Vanellope Sugar Rush Racer x 2.
You are looking at Wreck it Ralph mcdonalds toys in used condition opened and stickers falling off or missing. Vanellope Sugar Rush Racer x 2. WRECK IT RALPH 2 - BREAKS THE INTERNET. The toys were only exclusive in the USA so if you live outside of the USA your McDonalds didnt have those toys.