Toys R Us Payment System Down. The problem here is two-fold. The online store should shut down also because you can get all these toys on Amazon for half the price and better service.

A Joie Car Seat and Joie Nitro LX Stroller to which full payment was made immediately. Million dollars over the years in fees and interest payments from Toys R Us. The old Toys R Us jingle has worn thin.
First Toys R Us closed down what was their most popular attraction for shoppers.
Chief executive David Brandons solution to the companys woes is to be bulkier In a world where everyones going for a leaner just-in-time inventory to save on costs ToysRUs approach is going against the grain. Toys R Us the largest toy-focused retailer in the US has also started offering a price-matching guarantee on toys a free layaway program and a hot toy reservation system. In early July 2018 it was reported that unknown benefactors had bought out all of the remaining stock of two locations in North Carolina so they could be donated to charity. The online store should shut down also because you can get all these toys on Amazon for half the price and better service.